Look Forward.
Do Good.
Feel Good.

Help us build the world's largest co-operative renewables fund. 

We’ll use #TeamEthos money together, putting it directly into real-world projects, offering you a return on that investment, and a regular update about the difference your money is making.

Virtuous Circle

An ETHOS Renewable Asset (ERA) is the first step to improving not only your financial future, but also the future of our planet.

We’re creating cheaper, cleaner energy provided direct to farmers, schools and factories all around the world with reduced environmental impacts of energy production and fairer distribution of profits.

“Having spent the last 4 years in Climate Tech, what I’ve learned is people want to do the right thing, but unless you financially incentivise them, we’ll struggle to get the momentum we need to solve the climate crisis.

Ethos makes both those things possible. As an Ethos community member I can make money providing renewable energy to some of the poorest parts of the world, giving people reliable and cheaper supply, replacing dirty energy with clean energy.

In time Ethos will run projects throughout the world, helping to decentralise energy supply and remove our dependency on oil, gas and other polluting energy sources.”

Ian Hambleton, Founder

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